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October 31, 2014

UHD Vs HDR The Next step for Television?

HDR is a revolution in the quality of TV screens, but for some reason the entire eco-system is chasing the far tougher target of Ultra High Definition or 4K. This reports describes this technology, its benefits and works towards an understanding of how it will emerge into sunlight.

HDR, essentially increases the amount of visible light spectrum which makes it into the final image displayed on a TV screen. In January Dolby described an HDR system that would dramatically increase the light emanating from a TV screen to capture more detail in the image.

This reports tells you if that system, or another will make it into TV sets, when that might happen, and how that will interfere with the promised delivery of UHD TV screens. UHD needs twice the broadband capacity to send IP video files than today’s HD, even when you add in the effects of HEVC. To do the same in HDR would actually mean that it takes less bandwidth to deliver online TV than it does today, as long as it is implemented in parallel with HEVC.

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