The entry level 5G SoC ball is in MediaTek’s court after release of Qualcomm’s budget level Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 chipset. This brings Qualcomm squarely onto the fast-growing entry level 5G chipset pitch, which had become almost MediaTek’s fiefdom over the last year. MediaTek itself entered this entry level domain just over a year ago in July 2023, with the launch of its Dimension 6000 Series offering sub 6GHz connectivity. This also incorporated the company’s UltraSave 3.0+ technology which it claims consumed 20% less power than rivals, including Qualcomm’s Snapdragon ranges at the time. That complemented MediaTek’s other ranges, the Dimensity 7000 series for lower mid-range devices, Dimensity 8000 series for upper mid-range, and Dimensity 9000 series for top end flagship…