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August 21, 2024

Road and Rail Transportation – Batteries v. H2; How cars, buses, trains and trucks will decarbonize

There is an urgent need for decisive government policies and targeted approaches in order to reduce transportation emissions. Current indecisiveness has led to inefficiencies, failed experiments, and setbacks. 

Rethink Energy has released a comprehensive new report, detailing strategies for decarbonizing road and rail transportation – critical for achieving global net-zero targets.

For any net zero scenario to be realized, the world’s leading economies must implement a rapid decline in transportation emissions. This can only be done if the right policies are targeted at the most relevant sectors, with thorough plans set in place by governments.

The report explores the two primary fuel options available for decarbonizing the transport sector: hydrogen, and electricity via batteries. Both options have unique advantages and challenges, depending on their application, and the success of each will depend on the broader industry context.

This is an essential resource for stakeholders across the transportation and energy sectors, including manufacturers, fleet operators, policymakers, investors, and energy producers. It offers critical insights into the future landscape of low-carbon transportation and provides a strategic roadmap for those involved in the industry’s transition towards sustainability.


Price: $500 (excluding VAT for UK customers)
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Rethink Energy forecasts the changing energy landscape and its investment possibilities, as renewables begin to take over from conventional fossil fuels